CICAMS-IARC “China-ASEAN Cancer Prevention and Control Training Programme”
Dr Chita I. Nazal-Matunog, Secretary of the Philippines Society of Medical Oncology
“This course has been an eye opener on how we can improve each of our country’s cancer situation; first with accurate and up to date data through cancer registries and relevant and evidence based-cancer health programs that is responsive yet appropriate, sensitive to the socio-cultural-economic circumstances of the country. As clinicians, we can only impact change one patient at a time. But since we are the experts in the field, we have to lobby with the policy makers for cost effective cancer programs that will impact on the common good of communities we are part of”
Dr Vasuki Utravathy, Senior Deputy Director, Health Promotion Board , Health Screening and Management Singapore
“The CICAMS-IARC course has been an enriching and humbling experience. We learnt a lot from the faculty, who spared us not only their knowledge but also their time throughout the week to advise us on way forward.
Participate to ignite your fire for cancer control!”
Dr Ishu Kataria, Senior Public Health Researcher, RTI International, India
“As a public health researcher working in the field of NCDs, this course helps me expand my knowledge horizon into cancer control. The course was interactive and also made sure that everyone was comfortable interacting with each other”