06/03/2025 The call for the IARC Visiting Scientist Award aimed at mid-career scientists is now open until midnight CET on 9 May 2025
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is the specialized cancer Agency of the World Health Organization (WHO). Based in Lyon, France, IARC is inter-disciplinary, bringing together skills in epidemiology, laboratory sciences and biostatistics to identify the causes of cancer so that preventive measures may be adopted, and the burden of the disease and associated suffering reduced. It provides a unique career development environment for junior and senior scientists, with the opportunity to gain experience in research from a truly global perspective through its Fellowships.
The Agency is offering the exciting opportunity of an IARC Mid-Career Visiting Scientist Award. This Award is for a qualified and experienced mid-career investigator who wishes to come to IARC and be involved in a collaborative project in a research area related to the Agency’s research priorities for a period of 6 months (either continuous or split in 2 parts according to the needs of the project).
The major areas of activity are focused on understanding cancer etiology and underlying mechanisms (including infections, nutrition, lifestyle, environment, radiation, genetics), as well as developing strategies for cancer prevention (primary prevention, screening, implementation research). The Agency also has strong programmes dedicated to describing the global cancer burden and to the evaluation of carcinogenicity or preventive interventions through its Monographs and Handbooks of Cancer Prevention respectively.